Friends, I'm Scott. This is What a Weird Week, a show where we count
down the top ten Weird News stories of the Week. Like and subscribe to
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This is Season 4, Episode 44 first published on Friday July 28, 2023:

❿ The real estate agent who made themselves at home a little too much and had to pay for it... ❾ Playing harp while very high results in world record... ❽ Swifties cause earthquake... headline from CBC: "When Taylor Swift
performed Shake It Off in Seattle, Swifties literally shook the Earth,
seismologists say"... ❼ the ol' "Change Your Name to Subway" story... ❻ When beasts emerge from the ocean and chase people off the beach... ❺ The Zoo had to issue a press release insisting the bear wasn't just a guy in a suit... ❹ Play UNO, get paid... ❸ Another gator in Pennsylvania... ❷ Would you drink beer made from water from your shower drain? 🏆 Another week, Another push-ups record! ❶ There's been a shakeup in the competitive Face Canning space (followup)...

Full shownotes at Shownotes.page..