This  week's top ten of weird includes an animal rescue story where the  animal was high on cocaine at the time! Also a new world record that you can easily break and become famous! *citation. If you're new here, every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 podcast with a full show notes blog  and a video podcast on YouTube (@weirdweekpod).
Here  are the show notes for Fri Mar 17th, 2023 / Season 4 Episode 25 ...
❿Headline: Would You Regret Calling in the Animal Rescue Experts if this was your House?
❾Headline: Never attempt this world record. Please never do it. Unless you're this guy or Tom Cruise.
❽Headline: Hero Tries to Save us all from Chicken Wings Fraud?
❼Headline: Amazing Backwards Basketball Shot!
❻Headline: Saucy License Plates and why we need to fight for/against them...
❺Headline: Vinyl Albums dominate the music industry again!?
❹Headline: Sweet Freedom you guys! The courts have ruled that bird-flipping is not illegal!
❸Headline: Not a close call, not a near-miss, an actual earth smashing asteroid is in the news!
❷Headline: Cocaine Bear has new competition you guys...
❶Headline: Exciting and Foamy World Record that YOU can break this weekend!