This week's top ten of weird includes some old-fashioned high strangeness...

icymi: Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 audio podcast with a full show notes blog and a YouTube video (@weirdweekpod).

see ( for full show notes.

Here's the Top Ten for Fri Apr 28th 2023 / Season 4 Episode 31 ...

❿Headline: Nudists will feel naked and exposed if Cable Car over nude beach goes ahead...

❾Headline: Big Mack, the 8 foot long alligator might be the largest alligator living in a Philadelphia basement...

❽Headline: The 600 mile-long velociraptor!

❼Headline: Happy Research proves other people are happier than we are you guys...

❻Headline: Grey Hair breakthrough... they may have cracked it you guys...

❺Headline: Facial Recognition Firearms are on sale...

❹Headline: High Strangeness in Texas...

❸Headline: Zoo Looking for terrifying Bird Actors...

❷Headline: Will you please ring the Fish Doorbell?!

🏆🏆Headline: Cannabis Chocolate Bar costs $40,000!

❶Headline: Heal Three Times Faster with a cure we've had since Ben Franklin?