This week's top ten of weird includes birds getting high, the most expensive ice cream in the world, and a scientific life hack to sleep better.
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Here's the Top Ten list for Fri May 26th 2023 / Season 4 Episode 35 ...
❿People reminded to wear clothes for Driver's License photo in Georgia ❾PG13! The Birds are High af... ❽Buy Now Pay Later for Pizza? But wait, there's more... ❼Surgeon Fired because of who helped with the amputation... ❻very expensive ice cream sets world record... ❺Planking is back? #WorldRecord ❹The Science of selfies... why do we do that? ❸Enormous T-shirt breaks world record... ❷Headline via Ben Hooper at UPI..."Pet squirrel rescued from tree in Ohio" and ❶Sleep Better with this Simple trick...

full shownotes at