Weird Stuff Happens. That's just science.
This  week we have extraordinary claims of Wingbezzlement, Robot Lawyers using Open AI, and  evidence that the earth's core is spinning in reverse.
icymi,  every Friday we run down the Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10. We put all  the links/ videos/ photos in a show notes blog just like this one (
New: see the enhanced episodes with video on YouTube (@weirdweekpod)

Here's the Top Ten for Fri Feb 3rd 2023, Season 4 Episode 18 ...

❿Headline: Robocop 7: Robolawyer! (Coming sOON TO dISNEY pLUS!)

❾Headline: New Core Workout is so great you guys!

❽Headline: Update on the "Robots Taking Over" Narrative

❼Headline: Would your relationship survive putting together IKEA furniture as a couple?

❻Headline: The just found the oldest mouse in the world and it's how old?

❺Headline: The Tallest Unicycle in the World is...

❹Headline: If you can't drive the world's tallest unicycle but you really want a world record... how are you at putting on clothes?

❸Headline: Asteroid might be worth more than all the money in the world... so NASA is sending a spaceship to it...

🏆Honorable Mention Headline: Lady arrested after enrolling in high school.

❷Headline: Dallas Zoo Mystery!

❶(A) We have a tie for the weirdest story... between the assistant coach who I guess tried to pose as a 13 year old to help her Junior Varsity Basketball Team... and the lady who Allegedly masterminded a WingBezzlement... ❶(B) Headline Number 1B:
The School Cafeteria Wingbezzlement!

See the links/ videos/ photos in the show notes blog at ( and *New: see the enhanced episodes with video on YouTube (@weirdweekpod).