What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the weird news of the week. https://www.shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts.

(Begin episode transcript) Hi Friends, I'm Scott. This is What a
Weird Week where we catch you up on the weird news of the week. For
transcript/ shownotes/ podcast stuff see www.shownotes.page! Here's Season 5, Episode 10 first published on Friday March 8th 2024 ...  

❿ The moon was back in the news this week. Russia has announced that they hope to team up with China and build a nuclear power plant on the moon. ❾ Rare Lego piece makes news... It was found at a thrift store and sold for a lot of money. ❽ They've discovered a new sea creature. Off the coast of England. It's a whole new species of... ❼ Scientists stunned by man who has gotten the Covid vaccine more than 200 times. ❻ Something incredibly rare happened the other day and it's not terrible/ I would not deem it terrible news. A Grey Whale was spotted in the Atlantic Ocean... They thought Grey Whales were extinct and did not live in the Atlantic Ocean anymore. ❺ How often does Campbell Soup come out with a brand new flavor? Well, they have! ❹ The return of Don Gorske! Is he your hero? Does the name not ring a bell? He still might be your hero. ❸ The rabbit tattoo world record in the news this week. ❷ Dave Rush back in the news with another world record attempt. He's the fellow who is going for most Guinness World Record Titles Held Concurrently. 🍅 Okay, this one is PG-13! PG-13! Not for the kids maybe. It involves nudity. A group of nudists in Pittsburgh have made news because they are planning a naked bowling event. 🍅 This week a robot made headlines. Should we ever trust robots? Right now my vote is no. Never. ❶ Couple of things I didn't know... first of all, hello to our friends in Missouri... the area code in St. Louis is 314 and so that's become a bit of a local holiday in St. Louis... 314 Day/ March 14th. And so I didn't know that... I also didn't know the world record for most people in one place with underwear on their head is 270 participants... Well on March 14th/ 314 Day in St. Louis they're going to try to get 314 participants wearing underwear on their head.

and that's the program... See you next week for another countdown of weird news!