What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the weird news of the week.  https://www. shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts. (BEGIN  EPISODE TRANSCRIPT) Cuddling cows and backwards tornadoes. What a
weird week. Hi friends, I'm Scott. This is What a Weird Week where we
catch you up on all the weird things that happened in the news the past
week. You can get show notes and a transcript and all that jazz... go to
show notes dot page. Here we go. Season five episode can't remember for
Friday, May the 10th. Mother's Day weekend, you guys. 
*see www.shownotes.page! This is actually Season 5, Episode 19 first published on Friday May 10th, 2024 ... ❿ Look, we've all been through some sort of pandemic situation,
right? And then you hear about this bird flu in the news. It's not fun.
It's not funny, but it is weird. As a matter of fact, it's stressful and
all you want to do is cuddle a cow when you hear about the bird flu
outbreak. And in a sad irony.
Our lead story this week from Sky News
is how bird flu, as it infects cows, is cutting into the lucrative cow
cuddling market. People pay money and cuddle cows. I didn't know that,
but they call it, Sky News calls it a US craze. Our friends in the
United States of America, is it a craze? A cow cuddling craze? And now,
you know, instead of getting therapeutic comfort from cows, officials
are urging farmers to limit outside visitors.
So you're stressed
about the headline and then you can't even cuddle the cow and you get
more stressed and it is a vicious circle. I'm sorry you guys, this one
is not a light story. I try to keep it light but let's keep it down to
one bird flu story per week. How about that?
❾ Headline from Smithsonian Mag. Rare tornado spinning the wrong
direction forms over Oklahoma. Another serious story. But weird. First
of all, I didn't know see where I live.
We get one tornado every 10
years, maybe. I don't know, estimating. So I don't know from tornadoes.
Maybe The Wizard of Oz. There, that's... That is the only primer I've
had on tornadoes. The Wizard of Oz. And apparently, that movie isn't
factual. I never even thought about tornadoes spinning one direction all
the time. Of course they spin one direction all the time. Well, no.
They recorded in Oklahoma this anti-cyclonic tornado spinning the wrong
unusual tornado action in Oklahoma. The National Weather Service
describes it in the article, for a while was nearly stationary. That
also would be freaky. I feel like even if you lived in tornado alley and
you saw a tornado spinning the wrong way, standing still, that's pretty
freaky. Side note, should we change the name of this show to, what a
freaky week? Or just freaky week, it has a ring to it. Let me just
double check, freakyweek.org. Oh wait, no, don't, don't click that.
bless you folks in Oklahoma. They say this particular tornado episode
did property damage, but no injuries were reported. I'll put a link in
the show notes, ways you can help folks impacted by tornadoes. Hang on,
next, not as serious a story. Well, it involves a serious amount of
money, I guess. $14,000, that's a serious amount.
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/rare-tornado-spinning-the-wrong-direction-forms-over-oklahoma-180984298/To offer support in the aftermath of tornadoes see https://www.redcross.org/about-us/our-work/disaster-relief/tornado-relief/midwest-tornadoes.html ❽ So this one is not quite as serious as the first two stories we had
this week, but it involves a serious amount of money. And I'm curious to
know if you like this one or maybe this story disturbs you. The
headline from ABC7, Man snags $14,000 Cartier earrings for $14 after
website price glitch.
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