See for all the podcast stuff. These are the shownotes for Season 5, Ep 22 first published on Friday May 31st, 2024.


We've got a follow up to a story we had earlier on this show where the town in Japan installed a giant black screen to stop people from taking pictures of Mount Fuji. It just got to be too much. And these pictures, some of them got famous on social media. So everybody wanted to get this certain angle of a picture of Mount Fuji where it looks like Mount Fuji is on top of a gas station or something like that. So they installed this giant black screen, eight feet tall, 66 feet long. The next day holes were in the black screen, holes the size of camera lenses. People were, you know, poking holes and still getting the special shot. But the town is still pleased. It's cut down and over tourism quite a bit. The giant black screen with the holes in it. That's your update. ❾

This one got picked up by a lot of national news orgs. I mean, you got a built in soundbite, you got video role that you can play. The Michigan man who went to Zoom court. So he had a Zoom call court and he was driving while appearing in Zoom court. And it was about his suspended license case. The fellow named Corey, the judge, Judge Simpson, was astonished. According to headlines. Let's put in a soundbite right here. "Mr. Harris, are you driving? Just give me one second. I'm parking right now. OK. So maybe I don't understand something. This is a driver license suspended. That is correct, your honor. And he was just driving. I don't even know why he would do that. So defendant's bond is revoked in this matter."

So, of course, you're not supposed to be on Zoom while driving. That's dangerous. But I could understand in a way, in a sense, I mean, if you want to prove to the judge that you shouldn't have a suspended license and you can Zoom call while driving, the defense rests, your honor. Anyway, the judge didn't think of it that way and ordered the fellow quarry to return to jail, revoked his bond and he was ordered to return to jail. ❽

Just about every headline took advantage of the fact this truck was in the news, the truck carrying strawberries overturned and caused a traffic jam. Strawberry jam. A strawberry traffic jam. Most every headline had some kind of variation on that. This is about the big rig carrying 40,000 pounds of strawberries which overturned on a freeway in San Jose. And traffic was backed up for some hours as the strawberry spill was cleaned up. A couple of other notes about this, no major injuries reported and strawberry jam is delicious. ❼

A fellow in India has made headlines for breaking his own Guinness World Record by typing the alphabet very quickly with his nose. He's owned this record before and he keeps besting his own record. The current record, if you would like to beat this, 25 seconds and change To type out the alphabet, you have to do a letter, a space, and the next letter and move on down the line in 25.66 seconds. It would appear as though we posted a link, some photos and stuff. I don't think, I think you just need tenacity, practice. I don't think you need any sort of special nose training or a particular type of nose structure. I think you mostly just need practice and tenacity and this record could be yours. But 25.66 seconds is going to be hard to beat. Standard QWERTY keyboard, by the way. Next, we have some wild chickens causing chaos. They made headlines and also the dog airline.

via @GWR Thank you for listening to this show. It's what a weird week where we count down the weird news of the week.


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