Women and Words Overview 13-17 August 2018

Jove is turning her home into a den of iniquity (poker) and Andi and Jove totally fangirl over Cheyenne Blue (again) and Clifford Mae Henderson (also again) while Andi poses a new zombie apocalypse rating system for wine and food. Speaking of food, R.G. Emanuelle and the crew at DRB have something planned for the holidays. And does R.G. ever stop working? She just released another anthology with her writers’ group.


13 Aug.: Author Cheyenne Blue stopped by to chat about her latest, a tennis romance, Code of Conduct. She did a giveaway, too!

Women and Words link HERE
Cheyenne Blue’s website


14 Aug.: Women and Wordster and life coach Angela Grace came by to remind us that shit is still real, and get out and vote.

Women and Words link HERE


15 Aug.: Author and Women and Wordster Clifford Mae Henderson offered macabre musings on climate change and Armageddon, and encouraged us to live each day to its fullest. Omg, thanks, Cliffi, for that…

Women and Words link HERE
Clifford Mae Henderson’s website


Aug. 16:  Author and Women and Wordster R.G. Emanuelle and her writers’ group, the Penheads, have just released another anthology of short stories! It’s called Elements: Tales from the Substratum. Check it out!

Women and Words link HERE
R.G. Emanuelle’s website


17 Aug.: Author and Women and Wordster Andi Marquette fangirled over the Panic! At The Disco “Pray for the Wicked” tour, which she caught in San Jose, CA Aug. 14th with Hayley Kiyoko and A R I Z O N A. And she was reminded of the healing power of music.

Women and Words link HERE
Find Andi on Twitter and Tumblr


AND! The Hot off the Press and Coming Attractions lists are updated!

Women and Words link HERE


Also, DragonCon  (with the MOST AMAZING cosplay) is coming. It’s always Labor Day weekend in Atlanta. It starts Aug. 30th and goes through Sept. 3. It’s AMAZING.


And Western Women Writers of New Mexico is slated for September 15 in Albuquerque. This year features Karin Kallmaker, Anne Hillerman, Darynda Jones, and Rena Distasio.


ALSO! Are you getting ready for NaNoWriMo? That’s National Novel Writing Month, and it takes place every November. Dirt Road Books may be doing a thing. Stay tuned!

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