Women and Words Overview: 17-23 February 2018


Andi attempts to explain cyberpunk to Jove and then they decide that they need to cruise around the UK with Stevie Carroll (Horseferry Road is the best name for a steampunk novel!) and then they get all nostalgic about growing up in the rural West. Also, they’d like to fill out friend applications and send them to Ashley Bartlett and Aurora Rey.


17 Feb.: Woman and Wordster Erin Saluta brings reader Danielle Zion on to talk about her reading life and the role lesfic has played in her life.

Women and Words link HERE
And if  you’d like to be a reader guest of Erin’s on Reader’s Perspective, drop us a line at the Contact page!


18 Feb.: Author Rae D. Magdon stopped by to tell us about her latest, cyberpunk novel Lucky 7 (Desert Palm) AND she did a giveaway!

Women and Words link HERE
Rae D. Magdon’s website
Read an excerpt from Lucky 7 HERE


19 Feb.: Author and Women and Wordster Stevie Carroll was chillin’ in London and took a few walks. Here’s what she found.

Women and Words link HERE
Stevie Carroll’s LiveJournal


20 Feb.: Author and Women and Wordster Ashley Bartlett has a conversation with fellow author Aurora Rey about growing up in different parts of the country and the evolution of their identities.

Women and Words link HERE
More info about Ashley Bartlett
Aurora Rey’s website


21 Feb.: Author and Women and Wordster Clifford Mae Henderson got booted from jury duty again. Here, she muses on why that might be.

Women and Words link HERE
Clifford Mae Henderson’s website


22 Feb.: Author and Women and Wordster Renée Bess on the legacies of American history and ties to present-day current events.

Women and Words link HERE
Renée Bess’ website


23 Feb.: Author and Women and Wordster Andi Marquette wants all of you to go see the movie Black Panther. That is all.

Women and Words link HERE
Andi Marquette’s website
Find Andi on Tumblr and Twitter


And though Jove and Andi didn’t have time to talk about it, Jove will be doing another appearance March 3 as a guest of author Heather Jane (Regal Crest), who is having a book launch party in Portland to celebrate her debut novel! Also, CLEXACON is coming! April. 5-9, Las Vegas.

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