Women and Words 
22-28 April 2017 

Jove got herself a new electronic device that she’s totally in love with (but it’s not what you think!!!!). Also, lesbian erotic fairy tales is a thing. Oh, and both really like it when the young folks talk to the old(er) about their perceptions of queer culture and community and they think it’s such a good idea to share experiences and ideas. 

22 April: Author Anna Larner joined us to discuss her debut novel with Bold Strokes Books, Highland Fling. She also did a giveaway, because we are big into giveaways. 

Women and Words link HERE

Anna Larner’s website

ALSO, call for submissions, hashtagqueer.com. Keep them in mind for future reference, too. 

23 April: Author and editor Sacchi Green joined us to chat about her latest edited anthology through Cleis Press, Witches, Princesses, and Women and Arms: Erotic Lesbian Fairy Tales. And she did a giveaway! 

Women and Words link HERE 

Sacchi Green’s website 

24 April: Author and Women and Wordster Yvonne Heidt shared a bit of her creative process, and we think it’s super cool when authors do that. 

Women and Words link HERE 

Yvonne Heidt’s website 

25 April: Author, Women and Wordster and national lesbian treasure Lee Lynch did something really cool and posted an interview with a young woman in high school who is working on a project about being a gay activist in the 1960s. Give this one a read, friends, because the more community we build across generations, the better for all. 

Women and Words link HERE 

Lee Lynch’s website 

27 April: Author and Women and Wordster Renée Bess joined us to discuss language – a “pulsing, living, changing entity that adjusts itself to fit new environments.” 

Women and Words link HERE 

Renée Bess’ website 

28 April: Author and Women and Wordster Andi Marquette fangirled over a discontinued Marvel comic, Fearless Defenders. But she sure dug the 13 issues of a team of women superheroes with lots of WOC rep and some lesbian rep.  (special thanks to horror/bizarre author Gina Ranalli for telling me to read it), 

Women and Words link HERE 

Andi Marquette’s website 

And fangirl with Andi on Tumblr 

Also, Jove would like readers out there to know that if they’re interested in writing a blog from a reader’s perspective to please hit her up. We love it when readers share their thoughts on books they’re reading. 

And author and publisher Amanda Radley (who recently launched Heartsome Publishing) has a lesbian and bi women fiction questionnaire she’d like you to participate in, to get a sense of the lesbian and bi women’s fiction market. Results will be collated and made available to publishers and indie authors with a view to help improve the lesbian and bi fiction market for all.