Women and Words Overview 22-27 April 2018

 Andi and Jove have reasons that birds might be a**holes. Also, life is messy, and author Cindy Rizzo brings up some really good points with regard to that and romance plots. Plus, Andi is having an existential crisis but encourages all of you to go see author Renée Bess’ definition for “troll farm” regardless.


22 April: Author Cindy Rizzo stopped by to talk about romance plots and the formulas that drive them and how people might react to atypical plots and characters and what that means.

Women and Words link HERE
Find Cindy Rizzo here


23 April: Author and Women and Wordster Yvonne Heidt stopped by with some more updates about what she’s doing along with more Vonnie-isms.

Women and Words link HERE
Yvonne Heidt’s website


24 April: Author, Women and Wordster and herstorical treasure Lee Lynch wrote on commercialism, the census, and home improvement (don’t worry, you’ll see the connections).

Women and Words link HERE
Info about Lee Lynch here


26 April: Author and Women and Wordster Renée Bess made us laugh with a bit of wordplay.


Women and Words link HERE

Renée Bess’ website


27 April: Author and Women and Wordster Andi Marquette did a FanFRICTION Friday because she’s having an existential crisis about writing and publishing.

Women and Words link HERE
Andi Marquette’s website
Yell at her on Twitter and Tumblr


27 April: The Women and Words book lists are up!

Go see.


Jove has a couple of book recommendations, YA. First is The Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer (pirates!) and the second is The Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates series (YA) by Caroline Carlson.


Also, Women and Words’ and Dirt Road Books’ own R.G. Emanuelle just released her latest book, The Potion. Victorian Boston, mad scientists-ish, romance, Gothic.


Events you might want to look into: Queers and Comics Conference, May 7-8, New York City. Details are sparse on this, so if we find more, we’ll pass them along (though we assume it’s at CUNY). Also, Gaylaxicon (Outlanta) in Atlanta is slated for May 11-13th at the Atlanta Airport Renaissance Hotel. AND WisCon is on the way, the feminist/social justice sci fi gathering in Madison, WI May 25-28.


For more info on fan/comic-cons near you, check conventionscene.com.

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