Women and Words Overview 28 July-3 Aug. 2018


Andi’s back from gallivanting (for now) and she and Jove would like to remind you to please slow down in school zones. Also, KD Williamson is still a badass.And congrats to CarsenTaite for her 20th book. Also, Andi and Jove offer their assistance with swearage (R.G. Emanuelle can help with doing that in Italian and maybe Chinese).


28 July: Women and WordsterErin Saluta had some suggestions for some smokin’ books—as in books that feature women firefighters.

Women and Words link HERE


29 July: Author Vanda gave us a tour through Greenwich Village and talked about her Juliana series, which deals with the Village from about 1945-1955.

Women and Words link HERE
Vanda’s website


30 July: Author and Women and WordsterKD Williamson offered some stories from her clients in her day job and pointed out that even in the worst circumstances, people find delight in small moments.

Women and Words link HERE
KD Williamson’s website


31 July: Author and Women and Wordster KD Williamson in a twofer talked a bit about being black in America.

Women and Words link HERE
KD Williamson’s website


1 Aug.: Author and Women and Wordster CarsenTaite just released her 20th novel! Congrats, Carsen! It’s Love’s Verdict.

Women and Words link HERE
CarsenTaite’s website


2 Aug.: Author and Women and Wordster R.G. Emanuelle with some food for thought regarding toxicity.

Women and Words link HERE
R.G. Emanuelle’swebsite


3 Aug.: Author and Women and WordsterAndi Marquettefangirled over Pacific Rim: Uprising because giant robots fighting giant monsters. What is not to love?

Women and Words link HERE
Find Andi: website, Twitter, Tumblr

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