The Player and the Girl Next Door in F/F Romance with Lise MacTague
Les Do Books

Tara is joined by author Lise MacTague to talk about the common tropes of the player and the girl next door. They dive into who these character types are, how they differ in lesfic from how they’re presented in m/f romance, and share examples from some of their favourite f/f romances.

You can check out the books mentioned here:

The players

Hal from Perfect Pairing by Rachel Spangler
Sinjin from Lucky Loser by Yolanda Wallace
Alex from Her Best Friend’s Sister by Meghan O’Brien
Corey from Edge of Glory by Rachel Spangler
E. J. from Embracing the Dawn by Jeannie Levig

The girls next door

Anastasia from First Position by Melissa Brayden
Emily from The Night Off by Meghan O’Brien
Hope from Ambereye by Gill McKnight
More info

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