The Conversation After The Kiss - Juliantina

Lesbians On Screen

Season 1 Episode 6


Sheena and Monica sit down to look at the scenes after the kiss the in the pool.

We look at:

Lupe is in hospital
“Lesbians own the pinky swear now.” - Monica McCallan
Floating “Gay” in the conversation to see what the reaction is
Jacobo listens in on Val’s conversation with Jules
We see Juliantina’s father for the first time in the body of Beltran
Having the post kiss conversation and being interrupted - “How dare you, my boyfriend, interrupt me when I am talking to my girlfriend.” - Monica McCallan
“Maybe it’s BYOB, bring your own blood,” Monica McCallan
Why hasn’t Val broken up with Lucho?


About the hosts


Sheena has an honours degree in film and a passion for watching movies that started in her early teens. She is never far from her kindle or her netflix and is a super fan of content that specifically features lesbians or women loving women couples.


Monica McCallan

Monica McCallan was an enthusiastic fan of romance novels before she began writing them. Her first novel, Better than a Dream, was released in late December, 2017, and she's already hard at work on her second novel.

She lives with her partner and two tiny dogs, cannot parallel park to save her life, enjoys playing pool a few times a week, and has enjoyed every second of the craft beer explosion these last few years.


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