The Cold Hard Facts About Conversion Therapy

Ask A Conversion Therapy Survivor episode 2 of 5


Join Sheena and her guests Rae D Magdon and Elena Joy as they talk about the realities of conversion therapy in this episode of Ask A Conversion Therapy Survivor


In this episode

The stats around suicide attempts for conversion therapy attendees
What’s happening with queer communities and queer youth
Legislations and what’s happening in the US
Conversion therapy just doesn’t work and here’s why
How Rae D Magdon chose her pen name


Research from The Trevor Project


Where to go for help

UK contact Stonewall’s Information Service on 08000 502020 or email [email protected]




About The Guests


Elana Joy

Elena is an inspirational speaker and founder of the PRIDE and Joy Foundation. She grew up in a turbulent home, joined a conservative church as a teenager, put herself through college, married and birthed 4 beautiful children, and then....

 Life 2.0 brought a divorce, leaving/getting kicked out of her church, a beautiful love story and a successful new career! Her viral TEDx talk has paved the way for speaking engagements around the country.  Audiences have included ABC, CBS and Fox news stations, the First Event in Boston, the Seacoast Wellness Series in New Hampshire, the THRIVE conference in Utah, as well as multiple print and online media stories, and podcasts.    


Find Elena Online


Rae D Magdon

Rae is an author of queer speculative fiction with over 10 published novels. She believes that lesbian, bi, queer, and trans women deserve to have adventures, fall in love, and become heroes. Her latest cyberpunk novel, Lucky 7, won the 2019 Goldie and Rainbow Awards for science fiction.


Find Rae Online



About Sheena

Sheena comes from a media background and in 2014 she started The Lesbian Review, a website dedicated to reviewing the best lesbian books and movies. In 2016 A podcast channel seemed like a natural progression and so she started The Lesbian Talk Show

Sheena discovered lesbian fiction in her late teens and it helped her with her coming out process, something for which she will always be grateful. 


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