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Les Do Books

Angie Williams and the Emotionally Vulnerable Butch 

When Angie first joined the podcast she was but a humble reader, but now she has returned a seasoned author! Her first book, Mending Fences is out now from Bold Strokes Books and her second, Last Resort, is set to come out this September.   

This week, Tara and Angie talk about butch women in lesfic, how they are portrayed, and what they’d like to see going forward. 

For a treat, Tara grapples with the possibility of a cross-over dog character between series, something I think we can all agree on we need to see more of.   

Topics and Works Discussed: 

The Last Place You Look by Aurora Rey 

Blue Skies by Ali Vali 

Stormy Seas by Ali Vali 

Justice Served by Radclyffe (Book 4 of Justice Series) 

A Matter of Trust by Radclyffe (Prequel to Book 2 of Justice Series) 

Love at Cooper’s Creek by Missouri Vaun 

Her Best Friend’s Sister by (The) Meghan O’Brien 

Complex Dimensions by Brenda Murphy 

Tara is a reviewer for The Lesbian Review, find her favourite books here. The Lesbian Review is a website dedicated to bringing you the best in lesbian fiction, movies, TV, fanfic and music.

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