Jae's Tips For Authors
For Love & Money: Episode 4
A brand new podcast about the business of selling sapphic books! In our fourth episode, Rae D. Magdon interviews Jae from Ylva Publishing at the GCLS 2018 convention in Las Vegas!
How to reach a readership across the globe
Defining your brand
Lesbian Book Bingo!
Why social media is important (but Facebook stinks)
Please check out the following websites mentioned in the show:
Ylva Publishing
Lesbian Book Bingo
Connect with Jae on Facebook, Twitter, and her website. Her newest release, Paper Hearts, will be available for preorder in mid-August.
Connect with Rae D. Magdon on TwitterTumblr, & Facebook, or consider supporting her on Patreon.
Her books are available on Amazon and through several other retailers.

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