Embracing Anxiety and Mental Health with Singer, Songwriter Ash Harris - Curves Welcome

Curves Welcome with Suzie Carr

I have welcomed a talented artist on today's show. We're going to chat about some of life's curves and how they helped shape the course of their life. 

I am so excited to introduce you to Ash Harris, also known as Acoustic Ash. Ash is a prolific indie singer songwriter who continues to excel within the songwriting field whether it be through political poetry or the ever-emotionally evoking and sincerity of Ash's interpretation of everyday events. These events include loss, love, money, and politics. 

Ash uses an acoustic guitar in a smoky, soulful expression as a platform for diversity and equality. Rumor has it that if you stick around to the end of this episode you will be in for a musical treat. 

And what a treat it is!

Connect with Ash Harris

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Theacousticash/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcousticAsh

Grab a copy of The Pet Boutique, a lesbian romance novel 


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