Curves Welcome - How to Add Value to the World

We’re in the midst of challenging times. Everywhere we turn, we’re hit with news that affects us all on a deep level, some deeper than others. Many of what we are facing in the world triggers alarms within, sounding off warnings that we better buckle in for a bumpy ride or else be tossed out of our seats and land in the sea of what can only be described as incomprehensible.

Families are being torn apart by indifferences brought out by politicians, governments, and religions. What once used to be an energizing get together with those we care about has now flipped into something that brings on panic, fears, and insecurities.

The situations that bring these emotional levees to the breaking point may change along with the passing tides, but here’s what remains the same: the solutions lay not in an instruction manual that in some make believe world we’d be privy to get our hands on but in our ability to act with love and compassion in order to bridge new pathways to peace within the contexts of our own lives.

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Also, we have a special study this week for those of you who live in the United Kingdom! It's to help gather information on women who have sex with women: LGBT Foundation National Survey. 

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Grab a copy of my newest novel, The Curvy Side of Life, a romance novel about embracing life’s curves:
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