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Driven by Suzanne Falter 

Book Clips  

Welcome to Book Clips, the mini podcast where authors and narrators give you a taste of a book with a short snippet.  

In this episode we hear a reading from Driven by Suzanne Falter 


Who says you can't find the love of your life while you're getting your tire fixed?

Even IF your boss is actively trying to close her garage?

Driven is the oldest woman-owned garage in Oakland - and the pride of the lesbian community. At least, it is until the uber-competitive former race car driver Mindy Rose shows up and opens her own garage, complete with chair massages and a sushi bar.

Mindy's out to destroy Driven, a fact that galls her good-hearted, and very ethical Irish assistant Kate. This is just reinforced when Kate has an emergency blow out, and is forced to go into Driven for a repair. Instantly, she finds herself drawn to the tall, tantalizing co-owner Lizzy.

That's when things get ... well ... complicated. Especially because Kate is an undocumented worker who seriously needs her job.

Soon Kate finds herself hatching a secret scheme to save Driven, while falling hard for Lizzy. Yet, Lizzy has no idea she's part of the Mindy's nasty operation. Or even that Mindy is out to get her.

Can sweet Kate and passionate Lizzy finally find the love they've been looking for forever? Or will Mindy find out and bring them and Driven down - and get Kate deported in the process?

And when is Kate going to tell Lizzy who she actually is?

It's just the beginning of the wild ride that is the Oaktown Girls series.

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