Seize the Day with Natalie Miller-Snell
Guest Advice Compilation Show  


Hello everyone - today is show 40 so I thought I would celebrate with a compilation show.

I’ve had the great fortune to have some truly inspiring guests on - phenomenal women.  They have been gracious enough to share their stories and impart some invaluable advice for listeners.  In this show I have compiled that wonderful advice.

Each guest has offered their own unique and different take on how to Seize the Day; how to take advantage of opportunities presented to us.  It’s fabulous having them all together in one bite sized, inspiring piece of audio.

Enormous thanks to these incredible individuals: - 

AL Brooks

Lee Winter

Vanessa Raath


Clare Ashton

EJ Noyes

Melissa Brayden

Jennifer Brown


Seize the Day was inspired by my favourite latin expression, Carpe Diem. I’ve had some great mentors throughout my life who have offered me invaluable guidance. I'm hoping to do the same through these podcasts.  We have so many wonders at our fingertips; sometimes we just need a little help, or someone to help point us in the right direction. 


I hope you enjoy the show!


Natalie Online







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