As a race of people which there are many different ones. We define ourselves by color - well at least we did for a long time. Now we are trying to hide our color to say we are all the same. So when other races come here what are they going to call them? There are five root races here. Black, brown, red, yellow and white. They will become one soon enough. But they will have a hard time with the blue race, green race, light race/ crystal race, purple race come back. Sadly no one will ever admit they each came from different worlds. So why ascenion? If you learn to leave this world will be much closure to seeing the truth.  Most souls ascend to the astral world when they die.  There are exceptions.  One: are the ones that stay here for they have no clue to what to do or how to do it when there body dies. Two: some souls that became aware can go past the astral plane to the next realm. 

  Most get to stay on the astral plane for a few years before reincarnating.  Most will lose everything they worked for many life times when they come back. That means going through the same experiences again and again. They just don't end, they need to be learned. The work needed is to learn protection, how to leave the body, how to meet your guides, finding the truth about all your experiences. Yes, soul has a mission and there are no two people that have the same one. Many are similar in some ways. Even love there are so many levels one can attain in a lifetime if they are willing to learn. You cannot leave if you don't know where you are. The saying you need to walk before you can run. You need to run before you can fly. Finding our guides, making sure they are the right ones. Angles do not  play. Join ACO Association.