Making it 7 for evenings 8 to 10 PM Eastern. Tuesdays are a time for talking among our own faith believers that all levels of life forms are made by our own original all for all monads or souls. We who believe that alien civilizations exist also share with those of the ancient astronaut theories. We are the paranormal spiritual science pathagoreans clan. We study and research the source of all creations and how words, as sounds, and symbols become history we pass down to our own children and cultures through the ages, epochs of time.

We welcome everyone who wants to share in our own "Cyberspace Culture Citizens Community? On the Internet Highway where we meet weekly simply to support each other in fellowship and to share with those who may already be in our facebook, instagram, linked-in, twitter connetions as friends. We want to share how we live. Jordan of San Antonio Texas is a survivor of cancer and is in remission will begin his show Infinity joined me last 30 minutes. [email protected] and [email protected],  or [email protected]. Returns Sunday 5 E. Every few days.