We will go inot the reasons behind everything, life and death and everything in between. Do you understand why you are really here? Really? Who told you that? Why do people except anything anyone else says? You realize the fist few thing parents teach their children are lies and many stupid words. While they also so learn many bad words. Like the word stupid and dumb. 

  Most people live in the idea of getting as much as they can out of life before they die. Most people never think about death except to make sure they funeral is paid for.

    Their understanding of death is void of any  truth. They have programmed ideas of what is going to happen and what they think will happen. That is they are going to heaven, a man made word.  That idea consists of being with your family that past over. How many people really want to spend infinity with their family and why? Then ask yourself which one.  Do you really think without this body it is going to be the same? Go to work - or be a beggar. Do you think you can just sit around and talk for ever? About what? What kind of clothes you need to buy. Or maybe you think about what ever you want you have?? There are many ideas but are any of them right? Do you think food is important? Now that you are there where is it really?

    Let's start with naming it. (where you will go) It is called the astral plane. The plane that most souls go if they leave this world. Some souls do not. (Ghost or spirits)We will get into that.