American Communications Online will sponsor TJ Morris ET Radio Shows topics and panel discussions. Thursdays we will begin an open dialog panel discussion with Ken Johnston II a former trained astronaut, Janet Kira Lessin, the stargate to the cosmos event producer. We are going to begin an Authors Book Club with Theresa J Morris Author, Janet Kira Lessin Author, and Ken Johnston Author. How they met and where their interests has brought them to the same place in space to become authors and to discuss time lines,the mandela effect on global populace criticall mass mind. How we deal with Ufology, Alienology, Avatars, New Age, Metaphysics, and Ascension Age. How we will deal with mental health in the world while changing how the world feels about the subjects of paranormal, psychology, historians, education, space, engineering, and story tellers. We may discuss some experiencers and tracks dealing with UFO Secret Space and Disclosure and the Exopolitics and why UFO Conferences and Disclosure Conferences are beginning to form more in the USA. We begin a game of live action role playing as our own avatars and we want to discuss being conscious of the ascension age and how the various secret space topics are taking people back into ascension. It's an amazing time to be alive! Many of us share UFOS and SECRET SPACE but we may all have a part. What if we are all players in a much larger playing field that not everyone has access too? What if like a game of life their are higher levels to achieve in the universe? Whether we have seen unidentified objects flying in the sky above may now matter. No one is an authority or leader of the UFO Community. Many of us know each other due to Free Facebook groups. Lightworkers and Truthseekers of the Ascension Age may want to tune in. We are speaking to open minded individuals about why we believe in UFOS and why has talking about it made people think you were mentally ill in the past?