I am going to tell a true story. It will take in a legend. That legend  will be of the White Buffalo. That only happens  in 1-out 10 million births.  It changed color 4 times in it's short life. Started as black then red then yellow then finally white.  The Native people believe that it brings purifaction to the planet when it comes.  It has brown eys and it is not an albino usually red eyes. 

  Sadly it died a few years later. Then another one was born. The second was was killed by pochers and hung on a fence.  White man's defence against their twisted truth. 

   My life became important to me when I had my first spiritual expereince at the age six.  As a child I could not watch cowboy and indians movies without crying. I always dressed as a Native when I could when I was little. But at that time trying to understand angles, demons and aliens. It only grew more important the more experiences I had , 

    As a human race we need to look for the truth behind any legend. Is there any and its it important.  Man rewrites everything and alwasys add their own twist to it. Then when the story is told over and over it becomes different.

   Very briefly the White Buffalo  woman came to the Native bringing them the sacred Pipe.  Being very important to all tribal people. She became the white buffalo. 

   Now during a journey I took with the medicine woman I study with half of my life I was in a underground hot springs I was walking in when I saw the white buffalo run out the back. I found out five days later the White Buffalo was born.   The story gets more complicated please tune in and listen.