The Bible is the the number one best seller on the planet. While many new agers are attacking anything about it. Saying God doesn't exist. Saying Jesus did not exist. Now many are saying Jesus was an alien. At the same time anything pertaining to God is being removed from everything.  I was on grand Jury last year. I found out they stop using the Bible in any real court of law. Now it is based on your word. I DO. 

    I am worried about the human race as a species because the lack of morals they have now. (none).  Man wants to think he has total freedom. I hate to tell you that is impossible. The world would be in the worst condition if they did. What kind of boundaries would exist between people. There would be no boundaries for animals as well. Killing would just keep going us as well as all crime would. 

   Our children are protected more in the US then other coutnries and still the amount of abuse is horrible. Considering there are 2.5 Billion Christians and 2.0 billion Muslums not one can speak of God in a way that reflects anything about it that is real and really important. 

   I talk about this often.  What you perceive to be true about God is not the true creator God. There are many angels and deities that deal with Humans. Even in a school does the Principle talk to every student daily? No but he does have to speak to the real bad ones. If one person was spiritual God would not have have any angel talk to him or her. Since there are no spiritual people here Why Would God come down here? Because people's ego thinking they are important. All the people making money have to kep telling you that. WHY? So you can make them rich. Sadly even worse anything about Jesus is about 5% right if that and He never said He was God really. No matter what people said in the Bible.