What we share and learn together daily, weekly, monthly, annually is our own community of friends we like and trust in ET Work.
Combined circle Monad accepted.or critical mass consciousnesstheory of mindis now being accepted among many groups.life lessons free online as our own philosophy of life. Framework self-mastery & self-evolution. Truth is math in science is not the only science theory.or Pythagoras Theory of PhilosophyMonad Minds/ wisdomSome religionsSome sciencesSome politics
Ascension Center Organization Spiritual Metaphysical Holistic experiencers speak of a feeling of ‘oneness’ with the universe. Mystic Guide and Esoteric Guide is joining with our teachings of Psychic Guide and Spirituality Wellness Guides to discuss who is who these days in our community of live streaming our archived radio shows in this mysterious world we live in. Learn why elevating both your spiritual awakening and your psychological development is the key to your evolution, and to pushing humanity into a new state of unity consciousness. We share Spiritual Science Metaphysical Philosophy.  1 vs. All of them against us? Expand your worldview as a compassionate person to anyone, even an ET. Mind Body Spiritual Minds, share in holistic perspective practices about one and all.