Ascension Centeer Organization unincorporated association in cyberspace culture community club shares Ascension Church Ohana - Hawaii on Sundays. Ascension Cosmos Oracles Corp of Florida USA shares ACO Radio Club,  ACO International Associates Universal Health & Wellness Not-For-Profit is about Integrative Medicine worldwide. We are about sharing analysts, authors, consultants, organizers, educators, historians, researchers, writers, videographers.  Today's message is "Sounds of Silence" by Pastor RIchard T Knight. Theresa J Morris Ministries Not-For-Profit is sponsor to share the messages of the Ascension Avatar Master Prophets synchronity sounds as we co-create and channel our higher selves and our muses. Silence is the absence of ambient audible sound, the emission of sounds of such low intensity that they do not draw attention to themselves, or the state of having ceased to produce sounds; this latter sense can be extended to apply to the cessation or absence of any form of communication, whether through speech or other medium.Sometimes speakers fall silent when they hesitate in searching for a word, or interrupt themselves before correcting themselves.Pastor Rick and Pastor TJ uses their nicknames for convenience of shorter sound bytes. project donation: