So, you are spiritual not religious? You believe in science but also know there has to be something bigger than measuring as in science and the philosophy of humankind building their own reality. We are building an unconditional love and to do unto others without all the religious hype, proselyting, and making people feel guilty for their past. We are actually accepting the Ascension Age Awakening Awareness that we all matter. We each have been co-created by others since we know we were born on earth as a homo-sapien, carbon based unit, and yet are extraterrestrial biological entities as EBENS>Yes, we know we are made of more than stardust and are more than starseed transmissions. We know about immortal designs as the Divine Design and we are only one level of intelligence beings in this vast universe of metaverses, multiverses, xenoverses, omniverses, alphaverses, and omegaverses of what ever one may refer to as infinity and all the evolutions we may encounter as our essence of our piece of the monad. So, if you are here to experience a journey with others and do want to have peers you can relate too in unconditional love without all the woo woo although we do say and acknowledge the word love then maybe you will come write your life story and be a character in our books. We write our own books about this new Ascension Age Awakening Awareness of all Unity in all places at all times. Someone in always watching and observing and we can feel the presence of a higher being with a higher purpose guiding us. Is that our guiardian angel, an ET Spirit Guide? Join us on the radio airwaves for the brand TJ Morris ET Radio, and American Communications Online in the business language adopted by cyberspace culture American English, some slang and some accents. We accept all academics and all mundanes.  We are the ACO Metaphysicians of the ACE Metaphysical Institute of the Invisible College, of the Psychic University. Richard T Knight, Theresa J Morris, ACO