Theresa ""TJ" Morris Host, Janet Lessin of Hawaii is Co-Host, invite Barry Strohm, author of Aliens Among Us, and Afterlife.Revolution Radio -Wally Ladd & Thomas Becker known as Amad Painter join us from the Cosmos Connection from the last show with TJ on

Robert West of the ACO in WIsconsin will share 2nd Hour. We invite Researchers and Authors to share with our regular Panel. Ladies like Diana McClintintic and her friend Sandy (727)  Rev. Raven of Florida join us! Awakening Spiritual Bliss is fun! "Author's of their Own Life Stories!" Each person has their own free will to define their own life truth. Theresa J Thurmond Morris aka TJ Morris shares her life time as a Life Coach. TJ is mission driven to share the Ascension Age and in this time or ERA she shares communication as speechcraft with her friends. Friends as Facebook social media friends find her online and share time on the radio shows archving their history together. Many are asked to meet TJ at various events as authors to share their writing and PR skills.

TJ is the founder of the ACO which is an acronym for her clubs - Alien Contact Org - Ascension Center Org - Authors Club Org.