In this week’s episode of the Titans (and Doom Patrol) Podcast, Cori, and Laura get together to cover the latest episode of DC Universe’s Titans! In episode 5 titled “Deathstroke”, the episode picks up with our heroes in the present as they pursue their quest in saving Jason Todd from Slade Wilson.

Meanwhile, Rachel's powers continue to manifest more and more with Kory doing everything she can to be there for the young hero. That and more on this week’s Titans (and Doom Patrol) Podcast!

“With the team thrown into upheaval, Dick and the others vow to do everything in their power to save Jason Todd’s life.  Gar’s guilt over Jason’s kidnapping complicates the mission to save their fellow Titan, while Rachel’s dark secret continues to gnaw at her.  When Deathstroke demands they turn over Rose in exchange for Jason, the moral crisis threatens to tear the team apart from the inside. "

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