(This episode was originally released on Friday, March 11, 2022)

In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night...no evil shall escape the Green Lantern Podcast's sight!

JohnFoxyJazzabelle, and Toni are back! In this episode of the Green Lantern Podcast, the gang discusses Kyle Rayner's journey as a hero and the troubling legacy of his connection to the 'Women in Refrigerators' trope.

Recommended Reading

Green Lantern Vol. 3 0, 48-55, 129-136, 142-150 JLA Green Lantern Secret Files and Origins (2005) Green Lantern Circle of Fire Green Lantern Rebirth Sinestro Corps War Final Crisis Blackest Night Brightest Day War of the Green Lanterns New Guardians GL Corps Vol 3 Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns Green Lanterns

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