Happy Monday, Christmas Fanatics! We hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!

This week, the elves continue their foray into television month by covering the Texas-set, early 2000's sitcom, "Reba"! For those who want to follow along, the episode they are discussing is Season 2, Episode 10, "Cookies For Santa"!

Also discussed this week? This year's Oscar's ceremony, Ellie's first concert, recent movie news - both Christmas and otherwise - and much, much more! This is one festive episode you want to be sure not to miss!

So, settle in and enjoy! And, as always, thanks for your love and support, y'all! ❤️🎅🏻🎄🎁 🦌🦉⛄️🔔🚂 🤶🏻 🎀 ❄️