Overwhelmed by your to-do list? Let's reframe this, get to the root cause, and set you up for success with a new strategy. Plus, my quick and dirty product launch strategy will make your next launch feel easier.

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- What can you do to set yourself up for success this holiday season? 
- Can you make your launch 2x+ longer?
- Give yourself permission to move dates and change things as you need to! 
- What can you break into smaller sections to help manage overwhelm? 
- What specifically has caused overwhelm in the past?
- What is causing it at the moment?

My steps for Adding listings on Etsy:
• Ideas (usually lots of ideas at once) 
• Production
• Pictures 
• Editing 
• Listing 
• Editing 
• Marketing

Phases of a product launch
• Prep
• List
• Market

Give yourself more time to do these things and stop doing them all at once! 

HOPE THIS HELPS!!! you got this xoxo