Season 1 continues with guest Ash Hall, for whom #ACNH is a welcome reprieve from heaviness in their personal activism, professional work, and the pandemic-influenced world at large. Ash and I met as progressive activists and community organizers in Austin, Texas. While Ash has been a generous collaborator, patient teacher, and steady guide in our activism, it is a bonus to share a fondness for Animal Crossing and to see their values cultivated on their tiny virtual island.

In this episode of Tiny Island Diary, we explore the psyche of grouchy villagers, marvel over the accuracy of wardrobe suggestions the game makes for us, and laugh over the many in-game puns, both clever and questionable. I'm reassured to learn I'm not the only person who thinks in-game swimming is fantastic, and we appreciate the remarkable detail that Nintendo programmed into this remarkable game.

One of Ash's favorite ACNH resources is the Facebook group Animal Crossing New Horizons Friend Codes & Community, almost 100,000 members strong, and available for you to join if you're also on Facebook.

Ash and I mused about what might be coming and going in the August update, and after our recording, I found this update, courtesy of IGN.

This episode was recorded on Sunday, July 26, 2020.