Friends: I apologize to the 9 or so of you who downloaded the first live mix of this episode, which was technically the third mix. It was still messed up. I re-cut the audio mix two more times, and GarageBand foiled me over and over again. I think I have finally tricked the whole system of Zoom --> GarageBand --> Anchor into giving me an episode that doesn't make me cringe. If you did listen to the first mix and think it sounded like a conversation with Satan, try downloading this new one and you should be set. Kind of hilarious that I included the words "ingenuity" and "resourcefulness" in the episode title. I should have also included "persistence" and "tenacity". LOL

In the first finale episode of Season 1, guests from previous episodes stop in to update us on life on their tiny islands.

Episode 9's Sarah Vines is first up, with a whole lot of Halloween discussion. Since we recorded her episode, Sarah has guested on the Breaking Bells podcast and bought a Nintendo Switch console to replace her Switch Lite, with a possible end result of streaming or otherwise sharing some ACNH content of her own!  No pressure, but... I can't wait until she does this. LOL The dream address for Sarah's island, Luna Loo, is DA-0858-9704-4662.

William Shipley, our very first guest, returns next to tell us about the flattening and partial resurrection of his island, Elgin. Tiny Island Diary makes a new friend, thanks to William (I won't ruin the surprise -- you'll have to listen to find out who this guest is), and we get anecdotal validation of the existence of the so-called "villager void" in ACNH.

Kelly Griese from Episode 8 has done an island redesign and started an alt account on her island, because for some of us, a 1,600 maximum storage limit is a real struggle! She shares exactly how her alt account got the most beefed-up house in the fewest days possible (less than a week from a tent to two stories and a basement!). The dream address for Kelly's island, Amity, is DA-2577-9112-1962.

Finally, Episode 2's Ash Hall expresses fondness for the wolf villagers and explains a unique purpose for all the toilets and toilet-like products that the game gives us.

Imagine my laptop as the equivalent of a podcast DIY mini workbench. This week, one tool was malfunctioning and caused quite a delay: Garageband. It was doing some of the weirdest things with audio files that it had never, ever done before. I am getting a head start on interviews for the season finale episode next week to head off any possible delays. But thanks for your patience as I'm a couple days late getting this episode posted. I'm so grateful that in ACNH, the tools never fail!

Also: U.S. listeners -- VOTE!