How wonderful is finding a partner who shares your dreams and values? Pawan and Marloes are the founders of Vanirah Farm, a permaculture farm on the top of the Himalayan mountain in Uttarakhand, India. In this conversation, we trace their journey from finding land and building an earthbag dome to growing a fruit forest.

What You'll Learn: 

🛖 Building a life in the mountains. 

🛖 Building an earthbag dome. 

🛖 Living the off-grid life 

🛖 Challenges of mountain life 

🛖 Life lessons from the country living. 

You can also watch it on Youtube.

Timestamps - 

00:00:00 - Intro 

00:01:50 - Background Story 

00:08:38 - How did you find the land? 

00:14:36 - Finding the right partner to pursue such a dream. 

00:16:20 - How were the early days like? 

00:20:28 - Why did you build an Earthbag dome? 

00:28:09 - What does your ideal day look like? 

00:33:18 - How does your family see your life? 

00:35:10 - What are the life lessons you learned from the journey? 

00:38:36 - What’s the big picture and vision for the future? 

00:42:57 - Advice to young people aspiring to live such a life?


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