Our full, uncut show can be found at http://bit.ly/TWTTplaylist - check out our pre-show for EP19, where we discuss morality, non-binary decision-making, and narrative/gameplay mechanics in video games. We touch upon the importance of worldviews and frame of reference when making content immersive. For the main event, we go into our Doctor Who Flashback to talk about the 2nd Doctor, lost episodes, and Mind Robber. We also revisit The Aztecs. Mind Robber is unique story where we are taken into a pure fantasy world, thanks to THE VOID. Square-Enix has an awesome sale which features some of our favorite video game series of all time, including Eidos franchises Legacy Of Kain / Soul Reaver and Tomb Raider.. Of course, Final Fantasy is in the mix too! MEGA HYPE SHOUT-OUT to one of our newest tea time friends: Starchild89w. Great crowd today for our live show on Twitch.TV and AllGames. Much love from TigerClaw, Rageinator, KHASN, BFT9000, and other awesome geeks. Oolong shares details about a video series where young kids get pwned by Punch-Out on the NES. Are video games too hand-holdy these days? Nintendo HARD is a real thing. 8-bit gaming era HYPE! Also, Yomar has a bit of an unhealthy obsession with redheads (Game Of Thrones, Selfie, Amy Pond in Doctor Who, etc). Yup.. We tread the fine line between G and PG here. Don't forget - we have giveaways! Our #MEGAAWESOME Giveaway features Steam games, eBooks, gift cards, and much more! http://bit.ly/megaawesomegiveaway http://geekyantics.net/giveaways BONUS material! We we will talk more anime and video games henceforth. Anyone want to co-host a growing podcast? Tweet me @Yogizilla.. And keep me on point.. LOL. Also, this is where we are when we aren't podcasting: http://twitch.tv/F8tl_blades http://twitch.tv/Yogizilla We have other podcasts that you may or may not enjoy. Find them at http://geekyantics.net/podcasts - there are also other live events & giveaways! http://geekyantics.net/schedule CAUTION: HorsePLAY! LIVE and other GeekyAntics network content may be NSFW. Viewer/listener discretion advised. http://feeds.feedburner.com/horseplaylive http://geekyantics.net/podcasts Please leave us some words of encouragement and love at 206-415-4987. Outside of Doctor Who, we are sharing our favorite things about this season: family, food, egg nog, kids laughing, etc. Let the good times roll! Keep the conversation going, friends! Voicemail: (206) 415-4987 Email: [email protected] http://twitter.com/Yogizilla http://twitter.com/Geekyantics TWTT is LIVE [almost] every Saturday at http://twitch.tv/GeekyAntics and on the AllGames Network at 2pm Eastern / 11am Pacific / 4pm Madrid / 5pm London / 7pm Bucharest. Join us for the live experience and help us GO DEEPER! http://GeekyAntics.net/blog http://youtube.com/GeekyAntics http://GeekyAntics.net/schedule