On this week’s episode of Timeout with TWN, we chatted with Sebastian Henke, former college soccer player and Founder of Sportlo. Learn how Sebastian uses the skills he gained from sports in his day to day work as a financial advisor and founder, plus hear his advice for athletes navigating what’s next!

Join us Wednesdays at 6pm EST LIVE on IG as Danielle Berman chats with athletes and execs about the impact sport has made in their lives and what lessons they’ve taken from sport into their different endeavors.

#tacklewhatsnext #lifeaftersports #morethananathlete #athleteand

Instagram: @sebastianhenke.thrivent, @gosportlo

Twitter: @sebhenkeHTX, @gosportlo

Facebook: Sebastian Henke, @gosportlo

LinkedIn: Sebastian Henke, Sportlo

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