Time Warp Radio Presents: 🎶OOooh Shock Treat-Minute🎶, the Shock Treatment Movie-by-Minute Podcast that gets you jumpin' like a real live wire with every five minutes of the Rocky Horror Picture Show sequel/equal! Today, DTV Community Audience, we are analyzing minutes 00:19:30-00:24:43, and we are flipping the channel between the second round of Marriage Maze and Dentonvale. Who was cast first to participate in this game show, The Majors? Or the Weisses? Or is there any possibility Harry and Emily are ALSO character actors? We profile Darlene Johnson, who portrays Emily Weiss (and is clearly the source of where Janet "got it" from), and we follow our heroine as she twists and turns down the padded hallways in her own way on the track "In My Own Way". 

Be sure to tune in to our next episode, "SHE'S GOT A WEIRDO! - ALL ABOUT HARRY" where we figure out who's THE MAN here (spoiler alert: it's Manning Redwood) and we analyze the next five fabulously freaky minutes! 

Join our Patreon for our exclusive mini-series "SCIENCE FICTION, DOUBLE FEATURES" https://www.patreon.com/timewarpradio 👽🛸🎥🎞    

Follow us on our social media: on Instagram @timewarpradio and @shocktreatminute, on Facebook at Time Warp Radio Podcast, and on Twitter @timewarpradpod. Send us your burning questions, conspiracy theories, or comments to [email protected]. If you love our project, please consider rating us 5 stars on Apple Podcasts 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 And don't forget, on Wednesday's we watch Shocky! ⚡️📺🛸💋