When you think about being an effective leader  what comes to mind?

For me it is someone who is actively being a leader in their own life.  Taking responsibility, having fun, being grounded, educating themselves on their impact to name a few.

YOU are someone who really wants to live their life well and create environments where other people can thrive too.

So when you think about being an effective leader, I know that you are someone who is looking at their beliefs and making sure that you are shaping your reality with them and curious about your patterns.  You are curious by nature lets be honest

All of these are great, really great.

What about your VALUES?

When was the last time you reviewed your values?

Values are those things I love to check in on because they are the ones that are like the shape of the containers you build for yourself.  

Values create that sharpness on your decision making and how you generate the energy to stay focused and devoted. 

There are some usual suspects when people talk about values and I am calling it out.  It is time for an upgrade.  There is one values shift that I know will skyrocket your effectiveness as leader.  It will feel like an energy booster has been out in your green juice and your clarity will guide you into bliss.

Yes it is powerful.

Give it a go and let me know.

M xx