The world is asking you to become closer to who you really are.  It is asking you to be responsible for your power and your impact.

People who have been on their spiritual path and doing their 'work' are being asked to now take another step. 

Where you have been is not where you are now.

If you are looking at the world and think this is about those unconscious people waking up I am going to ask you to think again.

Changes always happen from the most conscious not the least.

Transformation only occurs when you are prepared to lift yourself out of where you have been and towards where you want to go.  

If you are feeling increased tension in your body and feeling restless this is an invitaiton.

It doesn't matter if you have been doing this work for 20 years or 20 days.  It is not what you have done before. 

Where you have been is not where you are now.

In todays epsiode I set the scene for this current energy event and then I guide you through an exercise that will ground, activate and release the parts of you that are ready to be given up to the current energies.

If you have not done this kind of work before please know your body knows what to do and allow it to do it's thing.

I would love to know how you are walking at this time and how this episode supported you.

If you enjoyed this I would love it if you could leave me a 5 star review so more people can get access to this content.

Go gently and go with an open heart.  These energies will do what they will do you cannot control any of it so allow your body to lead the way.

M xx

As always connect with me on Instagram @mareeeddings