As I have confessed before, I am not the most organized of individuals.  

I try to start to be organized all the time, each time starting with a little notebook to jot my thoughts throughout the day.  But, inevitably, I misplace the notebook.  The other thing that happens is I will assign a separate notebook to a certain topic.  Then, when it is time to record some deep and insightful idea about a given topic I can't find that specific notebook. I'm left recording this earth-shattering thought in the nearest available notebook, and that deep thought is lost forever because I have no idea where I recorded it.  Sheesh!  The hard life of a disorganized fool!

So my historical solution is to go to technology.  The problem is that technology sucks the creativity out of me.  In order to be creative, I require a pencil.

In my quest for a solution, I found this super cool notebook called the Rocketbook.  It is a real live notebook that you use a regular pen to write in.  Here are the steps to use this awesomeness:

Download the appAssign where the icons go in the appWrite something in your notebookMark the icon on the page where you want your notes to goScan the page with the appThe app automatically sends your notes to where you want them to go

The benefits are infinite!!!!!

To access more of my tips and tools, check it all out on my resource page at

In need of a podcast editor?  Might I suggest mine?  He's super cool and you can find him here: