If you missed my Time Hacking Summit, you missed out, but I'll share this little time hacking gem with you.

Here are the steps:

On Wednesday night, sit down with a Google Doc.Write out absolutely everything that needs to be done in personal and professional life.Filter top 5Turn top 5 into real-life events on the calendar

This goes hand-in-hand with experiment number 1, which is selecting highlights for each day of the week.

Wednesdays are ideal because they are nestled nicely in the week after the craziness of getting your week started.

My starting point is a constant brain fog and I'm hoping that this helps to solve it.

My goal is to turn this into a life habit.  I won't have to stress and worry that I'm forgetting something.

If you would like to access any of the awesomeness that I share here, check out my resource page at resources.timehackingradio.com

Also, get yourself an awesome podcast editor right here: https://www.fiverr.com/jay717.