(Lika - Yoga)
On this episode I had the honor to have Lika as my guest. She shared with me her interest in yoga as her hobby.

If you want to learn more about Lika and her amazing personaluty, you can check her out on Instagram at @createnewnameplease (https://www.instagram.com/createnewnameplease/)

If that’s not enough for you you can also check her out on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lika_eureka

She also pretty active on youtube, posting her informative videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/gy79yg/videos

If you like this episode and think it can be helpful to someone you are more than welcome to share it. Furthermore if you want to listen to short previews of upcoming and old episodes you can check out my Instagram page @timeforyourhobby. I also share tips and tricks I've learned so far from all my guest.

If you would like to be on the show or have any questions, you can send me an email at [email protected]

Here's my website so you can listen to it on the platform of your choice (Podbean, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play Music, Castbox, TuneIn, Pocket Cast, Overcast, Stitcher, Google Podcast): https://timeforyourhobby.wixsite.com/podcast

Time Stamp:
00:27 - Intro
00:59 - Who is Lika?
01:41 - What is your hobby?
01:52 - Is it any specific kind of yoga?
02:50 - Do you have good balance?
03:22 - How did you get introduced to yoga?
04:13 - Did yoga help with your scoliosis?
04:33 - How many times a week do you do yoga?
05:14 - Are you able to do all the poses?
05:39 - Do you prefer to do yoga alone or with other people?
06:45 - Would you ever do a Youtube video of your yoga?
07:31 - How long does a yoga session last for you?
08:32 - Does you diet play a big role when it comes with your yoga routine?
10:19 - Do you like to do yoga outside?
10:43 - What would you say is the best part about doing yoga?
10:58 - Did yoga teach you anything?
11:22 - Are there any poses you are scared of trying?
12:29 - Have you ever hurt yourself doing yoga?
13:40 - Do you have any inspirations?
14:47 - Is yoga popular in Seoul, South Korea?
15:27 - What is the age group you tend to see in your class?
16:06 - What was your biggest challenge when you first started yoga?
17:11 - What is your current biggest challenge?
18:17 - Do you have any pet peeves?
19:40 - What are some misconceptions about people who do yoga?
21:06 - Do you want to present your hobby to the world or keep it to yourself?
22:00 - Did you ever introduce yoga to anyone?
24:03 - Do you have any word of advice for anyone who might be interested in yoga?
24:28 - Do you have any social media links you would like to share?
25:15 - Do you have any questions for me about yoga?