(Beau - Cryptocurreny Trading)

On this episode I had the honor to have Beau as my guest. He shared with me his interest in cryptocurreny trading as his hobby.

If you want to learn more about cryptocurrency trading and Bitcoinbeau, you can check out his youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-H3NnUFDnuji5_pgx_uVZA

and also find him on instagram at @bitcoinbeau

Beau also suggested that you should check out reddit's subs about cryptocurrency to keep up to date with the crypto world.

If you like this episode and think it can be helpful to someone you are more than welcome to share it. Furthermore if you want to listen to short previews of upcoming and old episodes you can check out my Instagram page @timeforyourhobby . I also share tips and tricks I've learned so far from all my guest.

If you would like to be on the show or have any questions, you can send me an email at [email protected]

Here's my website so you can listen to it on the platform of your choice (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play Music, Castbox, TuneIn, Pocket Cast, Overcast, Stitcher, I Heart Radio, Google Podcast, Radio Public): https://timeforyourhobby.wixsite.com/podcast

Thank you,

Time stamp
00:30 - Intro
00:53 - Guest introduction
01:13 - What is cryptocurrency?
01:49 - What type of cryptocurrency do you prefer trading?
02:16 - When did you become interested in cryptocurrency trading?
02:59 - On a personal level, what would you say is the best part about cryptocurrency trading?
03:48 - Have you ever been caught by a scam?
04:09 - Are there any key signs to see if its a scammer?
05:04 - Did you learn about the history of cryptocurrency trading?
05:46 - Are there any countries that only use cryptocurrency trading?
06:21 - What does a typical day of trading look like?
06:59 - Is it hard to stay ahead of the curb?
07:24 - Where do you usually go to get your resource?
08:03 - Do these new cryptocurrency pop up often?
09:32 - When is the best time of the day for you to do trading?
10:31 - How did trading turn you into the person you are today?
10:52 - Would you want to turn this into your career?
11:32 - Does the security of cryptocurrency worry you?
12:40 - What is your ultimate goal with cryptocurrency trading?
13:10 - Do you set yourself a limit on how much you invest?
14:00 - Do you have any secret strategies?
15:12 - Do you have any predictions for 2019?
17:02 - What are some misconceptions about cryptocurrency trading?
17:39 - Would you consider yourself as a professional?
18:16 - Has trading ever help you relax when you are stressed?
19:23 - When you do get stressed from cryptocurrency trading, what do you do to relax?
20:18 - Do you prefer trading on a computer or your phone?
20:51 - What is your prefered website or application to do trading?
21:30 - What was your biggest challenge when you first started trading?
21:56 - What is your current challenge?
22:29 - Do you want to present you hobby to the world or use it as your escape from reality?
23:59 - Do you have any word of advice for anyone who might be interested?
24:29 - Should you only spend money you can afford to loose?
25:04 - Do you have any social media links you want to share?
25:39 - Do you have any questions for me about cryptocurrency?
28:11 - Outro