(Josh Cheung - Investments) On this episode I had the honor to have Josh Cheung as my guest. He shared with me his interest in Investments as his hobby.

You can find His new book ''A Step Towards Freedom'' here: https://www.amazon.ca/Step-Towards-Freedom-Joshua-Cheung/dp/1723132667/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1534777698&sr=1-1

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Thank you,

Show notes:
0:26 - Intro
1:28 - Do some month you do more than one trade?
1:38 - Why do you do investments?
2:15 - What kind of feelings do you get from investments?
3:28 - Is investing 50% luck and 50% experience/knowledge?
3:56 - How did investments turn you into the person you are today?
4:47 - How long have you been doing investments?
6:18 - Is there a big market here in Ottawa for investments or is it more in bigger cities?
7:26 - Is there a website or program you use to do your investments?
8:00 - Who or what got you interested in investments?
9:50 - Is there a specific time of day you do your investments?
10:40 - Do you only do investments for a few hours during the week?
11:21 - Are these season better than others to do investments?
13:27 - You have a book that you wrote about investing?
14:17 - Are there any outside elements you brought into investing?
15:50 - Has investing stressed you out more when you first started or more recently?
16:46 - Did you have any mentors for investing?
18:15 - Are you an investment mentor towards someone else?
21:40 - Are their any misconceptions about people who do investments?
22:28 - Do you think that investing should be taught in school?
24:20 - Did investments make your life better?
25:09 - Would you consider yourself a professional?
25:32 - Is investing something you would like to share with the world or keep it for yourself?
27:10 - Do you have any thoughts on bitcoins?
28:04 - What would say is your biggest challenge today when it comes to investments?
29:40 - Do you see yourself investing in different things in the future?
30:19 - Do you have any word of advice for anyone who might be interested in investing?
31:28 - Outro