The second part of a Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת החודש.

R' Yaakov Kaminetzky elaborates on the Ramban, presenting a new approach to understanding the Geula from Bavel and Tekufas Bayis Sheni.
R' Yaakov's perspective on the modern state of Israel as it relates to Galus, specifically to the horrors of the Holocaust and the rise of the Soviet Iron Curtain.
R' Yaakov explains that during Bayis Sheni the Yidden spoke Aramaic, had Aramaic names, and used Persian months as a way to highlight that they had not yet reached full Geula. On the flip side, when we are in Galus, it is more important to keep Jewish names as a way to stave off assimilation, as we saw in Miztrayim.